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Re: gas smell & braided fuel line/2 cents

To: "Erich" <erich@mail.NGBM.COM>, <>
Subject: Re: gas smell & braided fuel line/2 cents
From: "Valerie Stabenow" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 15:51:44 -0600
The smell could be orginating from a rubber "neck" that your car may
have connecting the filler cap and the actual tank...sometimes if you
overfill a tank, it will smell.

The braided lines are simply braided covers for fuel line. The
braiding helps protect the rubber fuel line and gives it
strength...very similar to washing machine hoses...However...there is
not a lot of pressure in a fuel system...1.5-3 lbs maybe???

I would check the rubber fuel lines that are going from the tank, as

Valerie Stabenow, mga, tr4a, xk-e, tr6

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