My top is the same way. It is an old ribbons top (not canvas) with a
few rips in it. If it is a nice sunny hot day (when I have the top
down) it will go up just fine, but when it is cold, there is no way to
get it all done up right. Makes me want a hard top!
On Sat, 27 Jan 2001 14:08:42 -0500 (EST), Bill Saidel wrote:
>Tell you the middle of our winter, a top down ride is just the
>thing to raise one's blood from SAD and hibernation effects.
>But then the rain's came and I had to raise the top. Is claustrophobia a
>common experience? And I am only 5'8".
>I found the canvas tension to have increased from the last time I raised
>the top as if the canvas shrunk. (I didn't buy a B to ride around with the
>top up so it's been awhile.) I could barely stretch the top to the
>windshield latches - but could. Snap the snaps...forget it.
>So here's my, by now obvious, question: is it possible to stretch canvas?
>How does one do it if so...
>And I found out just what a difference new windshield wipers
> Bill Saidel (856) 225-6336
>Dept. of Biology (856) 225-6312 FAX
>Science Building E-Mail:
>Rutgers University
>315 Penn Street
>Camden, NJ 08102-1411
>For more information about my science, check
>"Sacred cows make divine hamburgers."
Andrew Lundgren