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anti-run on valve and idiot mechanics

To: <>
Subject: anti-run on valve and idiot mechanics
From: Aaron Whiteman <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 20:23:58 -0800 (PST)
Hash: SHA1

Well, I have taken on the carb conversions ("Damned ZS" to HIF), and
other than some expected (but not planned for) issues, it has gone
well.  This is only slightly related to my problem:

I tested the Anti-run on valve, and it appears to be working fine, so
I am a little perplexed as to why a PO had disconnected it, but the
plan was to reconnect when I converted carbs.

Now time for the idiot mechanic (well, I'm not qualified for the
mechanic part, but...)
That time has come, and in my zealous work, I managed to break the
plastic connecter on the valve (that the control line connects to).
Can I just superglue this plastic bit back together?  If not, is there
anything I _can_ use?

It isn't critical, since my car doesn't diesel anyway, but the valve
doesn't hurt anything, so why not..

Oh, and BTW, thanks for the responses to my ZS exhaust leak.
Fortunately (for me), I wont have to follow them :)
I just hope there wont be too many more nasty suprises, I don't like
this business of not having a car to drive on days like today (Blue
skies, highs in the upper 20's, clear roads).  Perfect hood-down
driving weather.

- -- 
Aaron Whiteman - - email with subject 'PGPKey' for pgpkey
   RCW 19.190 notice: This address is located in Washington State.
 My opinions are mine and do not reflect the views of the University.

'75 B (my only car)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (FreeBSD)
Comment: For info see


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