the 73BGT has been running a bit rough lately.
OK cold weather broke for a day here in MD
let's see what I can fix here.
HHmmm .... Vacuum gauge at idle of
850 is fluttering 3-5 Hg/in and down at 15 Hg/in
At 1krpm steady at 18 Hg/in.
Well... the spark plugs all look good.
Nice clean light brown ash color. Hmmm....
So I did a compression check....
#4 cyl - 145 #3-140 #2- 120 #1-10 What!??
repeated tests with oil in cyls. ...not much change.
...well at least it's not broken rings.
But what's up with cyl #1?
Popped the valve cover... check the clearances.
ZERO clearance on three valves. What the ....?
Readjusted them all to spec. all comps now at
140+ lbs/sq in.
All the power is back and she idles steady and
rock solid at 750-800 rpm now. Exhaust pulses
and sound very steady now.
So the question is... didi/do I have a bad
case of valve recession? Over just the last 5 k miles
or so?
Paul Tegler