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RE: What the? (NO LBC)

To: "Matthew Milkevitch" <>, <>
Subject: RE: What the? (NO LBC)
From: "Ken Waringa" <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 13:28:35 -0600
Matt, I think the only thing clumping up is the service writer's brain.
This sounds like another example of the incompetence of the service writers
that dealerships employ.  I've been doing my own oil changes for well over
30 years now and I've never seen oil clump, except when I spill it on the
ground and it mixes with kitty litter to clean it up.

I'd try getting to a mechanic at the dealership and explain the problem to

As you can probably tell, my experiences with dealerships hasn't been very

Good Luck,

Ken Waringa

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Matthew Milkevitch
Sent:   Wednesday, January 10, 2001 1:08 PM
Subject:        What the? (NO LBC)

Fellow Listers:

        I would like to probe the wisdom of the group in
regard to the phone call I just placed to a local VW
dealership. Again, no LBC content but maybe weird
science content?

        I phoned there to make an appt for an oil change (I
get free oil changes until 30 K with my 2000 Jetta).
The service advisor asked me if there was anything
else that needed looking at, after which I described a
strange intermittent idling problem.  On three
occasions now, when the engine is cold and fired up,
the idle is erratic, not smooth.  It is always less
than 1000 rpm but the engine "chuggs" a bit, but
smooths out in about 2-3 min.  The advisor then
suggested that this may be indicative of the need for
the oil change.

        My reaction was "What the?"  I had never heard of
this one.  I asked the advisor how this can cause an
erratic idle.  The response was that the oil could be
clumping up, and that cars can sometimes do strange
things.  I agree that cars sometimes do strange
things, but how does dirty oil change the idle
characteristics of an engine (and I change my oil
religiously every 3K)? Is this weird science? Maybe
"fuzzy" science?

        One note:  the oil was changed by this dealership 3K
ago and the oil they used appears to be of a different
viscosity than what was in it previously (previous oil
changes have been accomplished by a VW dealership in
VA)  Then again, with the cold temps here in Philly
maybe its the same (remembering the relation between
viscosity and temperature).

        Any thoughts?

        Just wondering if the chemicals in the lab are
beginning to mess up my mind.


        Matt Milkevitch
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