Frank, don't keep us hangin, what the was the problem with your brakes?
Did you find out yet. Inquireing minds need to know.
Thanks, Mark
----- Original Message -----
From: Phillips, Frank <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 9:35 PM
Subject: Brake Calipers Binding, Q3
> List,
> I'm still trying to determine if I have a problem with my brake calipers.
> Here are the facts... On both front calipers the inner piston is approx
> extended out from the body of the caliper, the outer is fine and near
> with the body. On the left side there is little to no resistance and on
> right the rotor drags with resistance but will move. Both calipers look
> same as far as piston placement goes. How much drag is acceptable or
> expected? Should the pistons return fully? Before attempting to bleed the
> system ALL pistons were flush to the bores. Thanks.
> Frank Phillips