One stores a care like that west of the 40th parallel - where it is hard to find
water. I think the reality is the elevation (and hence lack of water and low
humidity), not the east/west location. East of that, better have a
de-humidifier, because water will condense on the inside of the untreated steel
panels and rust you from the inside out - plan to replace body parts.
Bill Saidel wrote:
> What's the scoop on D. Knowles's MG: the Untold Story? Has it been told
> before? Does he have insight? etc., etc.
> A student of mine knows of my less than all-consumming but
> everpresent obsession with my 76B...especially after she (yes, she!) road
> in it and gave me a copy for the holidays. (Well, I'm getting her into
> medical school.)
> Anyways, what does one do when one lives in the mid-Atlantic with snow on
> the ground and a 1-car garage, what with all these reasonable vehicles for
> sale? I buy my SO a bottle of Harvey's and she buys me a screwdriver set
> (I don't think there are subliminal hints there) but I want a CB B. Where
> does one store such a vehicle in the winter so it does not disintegrate,
> what with the garage already full with a RB B?
> Happy holidays all,
> Bill
> 76B
> **********************************************************************
> Dr. Bill Saidel
> Assoc. Prof. Vocal phone (856) 225-6336
> Department of Biology FAX (856) 225-6312
> Science Building email:
> 315 Penn St.
> Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
> Camden, NJ 08102 -1411
> "Sacred cows make for divine hamburgers."
> **********************************************************************