Most electronuc systems I am aware of still require the distributor to have
working centrifugal (and vacuum if appropriate) advance. The only
electronic advance module I have seen is from the MGOC in the UK at about
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2000 11:34 PM
Subject: 25D4 giving up
> Hi Gang,
> Yesterday I posted a note regarding a frozen centrifugal
> advance mechanism cam. I tried a number of ideas including
> those suggested by a few kind listmembers. Nothing. It won't
> budge short of destruction. The vacuum advance is also
> problematic -- a ~$50 problem. Therefore, I am going to either
> replace the distributor with a new 25D4 or the 45D model OR,
> perhaps use the one I have outfitted with an electronic ignition.
> My query is this: Do the electronic models have built into them,
> advance curves that would work in place of my frozen
> advance? Have any of you worked with the MSD unit (over the
> Crane Cams simple unit)? I have used the Crane Cams model
> when it was Allison Ignitions with great success but it needs
> the centrifugal advance. All constructive input appreciated.
> Rick