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Re: adding an ammeter to a RBB

Subject: Re: adding an ammeter to a RBB
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2000 06:15:40 EDT
Hello All;
I have to differ as to the ability of these diagnostic aids to forwarn of 
problems.  The thing is you have to pay as much attention to their dials as 
you do to small noises.  Just a small change from the norm is indication of 
something that should be checked into.  If you wait for a big change you 
might as well wait for the deafening silence when you turn the key.
By way of example, while driving my SUV recently i noticed a small change in 
the voltage on the factory installed voltmeter.  It was approaching the end 
of it's 100,000 mi warranty so I immediately went to Mr. Goodwrench, AKA Mr. 
Hasen't Got a Clue.  There I was told that there was nothing wrong.  Three 
days later and past my waranty the light on the panel came on telling me that 
the alt. had gone bye-bye along with $135.00 that I would have rathered spent 
on my B.
By the way, the warning that the B's water pumt was going out was too late 
for me to have one on the way before I had to quit driving it.  What a 
bummer, a perfect Fall weekend and the Bs in the garage.


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