Hi folks,
The decision has been made. I'm going to put new pistons in the 77B
commuting machine. It shows 89,500 on the odometer and wants to smoke when
fully warmed up and the throttle is feathered. I have both the Haynes and
Bentley manuals, but I'm not impressed with either as a guide to engine r/r.
Anybody have any suggestions as to a good source. The sight of the steering
column going virtually through the left motor mount rattles my cage.
I'll be boring the engine to the minimum necessary to assure four
cylindrical cylinders that are the same diameter and installing the
appropriately sized new pistons, rings and pins. That's a given. I'll also
install new rod and main bearings. The engine has great oil pressure, BTW. It
would seem foolish to pass up the opportunity to replace the clutch disk and
throwout bearing, so I'll replace them. Any other components that fit the
category of ' you'd be a fool not to replace it while it's on the bench'? TIA.
Bud Krueger