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Blatant Commercialism

To: "''" <>
Subject: Blatant Commercialism
From: "Dodd, Kelvin" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 11:52:28 -0700
Folks, I need a bit of help.

        For a long time I have been an advocate of seat belts.  I am in the
process of a bit of a one man crusade to put good belts in people's LBCs.  I
have a question of the list regarding the age of seat belts.

        In California, the  Vintage Auto Racing Association (VARA) requires
dates on belts and strongly suggests that the belts be rewebbed every 5

        In the listers experience.  Have you run across any rules such as
these with groups you are familiar with?

        I would like to make the point that the belts in most of our cars
are now too old to be considered safe.  That way I can sell lots of new
belts to people and make my bosses happy.  See I told you that Blatent
Commercialism was involved.

Kelvin.   Who really does believe in what he is doing.

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