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RE: Cruise control

To: "'Larry Hoy'" <>
Subject: RE: Cruise control
From: "Dodd, Kelvin" <>
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 11:48:19 -0700
Me too, me too.

        I started to put cruise control on my 70 MGB.  I got one of the
computer units that predict when you ran out of fuel.  It fit perfectly
(press fit) where the center dash vents on the later dash were.

        One problem I encountered was that it used magnets attached to the
driveshaft and a detector mounted to the body.  The only place I could mount
this was at the rear of the trans tunnel.  In that position, a fully loaded
trunk caused the unit to miss read as the driveshaft angle became to great.

        I want to put cruise control in both my 73 MGB GT and 78 MG V8.
Both cars are going to be used for 700 mile round trips on a regular basis.
I think I would be looking for something that runs off of tach pulses rather
than actual road speed, as hook up will be easier.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larry Hoy []
> Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 10:56 PM
> To: MG V8 List
> Subject: Cruise control
> Well many of you know I made the 3000 mile round trip to the 
> V8 convention.  I
> decided there are still many little things to sort out, but 
> all in time.
> I have decided the accelerator pedal needs a bit of tweeking 
> to get it in the
> right position for a long trip; and wouldn't cruise control be great?
> Anyone out there have any experience with cruise control 
> units?  I guess I'd be
> interested in specifics, like; what you used, where you 
> bought it, etc.
> Thanks.
> Larry Hoy
> "It's not how fast you go, it's how fast you go fast"

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