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Re: car alarms?

To: "Garner, Joseph P." <JPGarner@UCDavis.Edu>
Subject: Re: car alarms?
From: Geoffrey Gallaway <>
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 02:03:31 -0400 (EDT)
To keep people from taking my fathers 70 Land Rover for joy rides or
stealing the car I simply put all gearboxes in nuetral and moved the gas
tank selector lever to a non-existant selection. On the MG's, this isnt
possible (I hope it isnt) but something similar might be possible. A
battery cutoff switch, a small switch under the dash that cuts off the
coil, etc. Alarm systems have always seemed silly to me, anyone who really
wants to steal a car can bypass or disable it and most of the alarms are
false, annoying people in the area.

To answer your questions tho:

1. Under the car, in the trunk?
2. On top of the dash?

HOpe this can help,

This one time, at band camp, Garner, Joseph P. wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Do you guys have any hot tips on car alarms. I'm looking to fit one, and i
> was wondering about the following things:
> 1. Best place to mount the alarm? Not necessarily under the hood i guess,
> but i can't think of anywhere else. with a 79B you don't have that
> convenient second empty battery compartment.
> 2. Where to fit the dash LED. There's no way in hell i'm drilling a hole in
> my dash, or any other part of the car for that matter, for somethign that is
> entirely cosmetic. 
> 3. Are there any features you guys consider essential? Shock, voltage and
> sound sensor obviously, but beyond that i was wondering about the usefulness
> of things like starter-disable in a car where it would be very easy to reach
> in, pop the hood, and circumvent the alarm anyway!
> 4. any other advice that springs to mind
> Cheers
> Joe.
> _________________
> Dr. Joseph Garner
> Department of Animal Science,
> University of California,
> One Shields Avenue,
> Davis,
> CA 95616
> tel: + 530 754 5291
> fax: + 530 752 0175
> _________________

Geoffrey Gallaway || What kills you makes me stronger. ||
D e v o r z h u n ||

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