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Re: front wheel shimmy - MG TD

Subject: Re: front wheel shimmy - MG TD
From: Bob Howard <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 06:59:12 -0400
  Thank you for the suggestions. I will forward them to him this morning.
  That the wheel shop told him the runout on his wheels was within spec,
while the runout I measured on my wheels was so much less, certainly
raised questions in my mind.

On Mon, 24 Jul 2000 09:47:27 -0700 Dave and Liz DuBois
<> writes:
> Bob,
>     I would have your friend find another wheel shop, 3/16 inch 
> runout
> is definitely excessive.  He should also have the rear wheels 
> checked
> for runnout and out of round condition - it was the rear wheels on 
> my
> car that caused the condition that your friend is experiencing (and 
> they
> had less than 3/16 inch of runout before I had them repaired).  tell
> your friend to check with British Wire Wheel in Watsonville, CA.  I
> believe that they have a disk wheel straightning service.  Their web
> site is :
> Good luck,
> Dave

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