David Mrozinski wrote:
> Hello,
> I would be interested in the opinion of list members. I have a bodyshell
> that would require replacement of outer footwells, lower door hinge
> attachment points, inner and outer sills, floor pans, one rear fender, trunk
> floor and some other misc. repairs. Quite an extensive restoration of the
> bodyshell.
> My question is: What is the point at which the shell should be scrapped vs.
> repairing? I have the tools and my time is cheap, but I want a
> solid/straight car when I am done.
All common logic would say scrap it, but it can all be repaired and
it sure is a lot of fun to do.
Add up the dollar values of the panels you need, and make
your decision from that.
Trevor Boicey, P. Eng.
Ottawa, Canada, tboicey@brit.ca
ICQ #17432933 http://www.brit.ca/~tboicey/
"I'm going to die! And I've never tasted Canteloupe!" - Mo Sizlak