If you DON'T drive it as your everyday car (which it sounds like you don't),
and keep it locked in your garage, I'd look into classic insurance. I use
Hagerty myself. $158/year for 100,000 liability and $18,000 valuation on my
60 MGA. You can go to their website to get an online quote.
If you DO drive it as an everyday car, then you're pretty much stuck where
you are. It's really a reasonable rate for that (liability has less to do
with the car than with mileage, your driving record, where you live, etc.)
----- Original Message -----
From: "J R Overcash" <jroverca@earthlink.net>
To: "MG List" <mgs@autox.team.net>
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2000 9:26 PM
Subject: Insurance
> Need a bit of help...
> I live in Massachusetts. We are a "No Fault" insurance state. Currently
> pay premium of $378 a year on my 74 B. It is one of three cars insured
> the same company. I receive all available discounts for safe driver etc.
> do not drive my MG much due to it's condition, but I want to keep it
> registered so I can drive it as I fix things...I spoke with my agent today
> and I can reduce my costs by $200.00 annually by putting antique plates on
> the car. Sounds like a good deal to me.
> My question is this: Is $178/year a reasonable cost for basic liability
> insurance? Can I do better elsewhere? If so where is elsewhere (numbers
> please). Some companies can't/won't insure in "no fault" states i.e.
> Thanks in advance
> Safety Fast!
> Ross Overcash
> Ayer, MA USA
> NAMGBR 2-1172
> 74B decrepit but running!
> http://home.earthlink.net/~jroverca/