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Books for Sale

To: <>
Subject: Books for Sale
From: "Larry Hoy" <>
Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2000 14:51:24 -0600
I have sent this message several times but it doesn't seem to make it to the
list.  I had been un-subscribed over the holiday, and now that I have
re-subscribed I think the list server isn't recognizing me as a subscriber
for some reason.  So one more time...

I had compiled a list of the various axle ratios/gear sets that will fit an
early MGB, but have lost it.  Rather than re-create this again I thought I'd
call on the many resources of this list.  Whatdayasay?

I am specifically interested in gear sets that will fit the early B style
axle ("banjo" axle, Salisbury style, the one with the third member carrier).
Will the late gear sets fit the early axle too?  MGA?

After everyone has their say I'll compile the results for the benefit of all
of us.

Thanks in advance, fire away!

Larry Hoy
"It's not how fast you go, it's how fast you go fast"

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