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Re: Haggerty CC Insurance Report

To: David Councill <>
Subject: Re: Haggerty CC Insurance Report
From: Bill Saidel <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 13:58:44 -0400
At 11:09 AM 06/15/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>Well, I patiently waited before I called Hagerty since I figured a lot of
>listers would be calling in. Today, they told me flat out that because I
>intended to use my 67BGT for occasional errands and maybe driving to work
>as much as one or two days a week, that their insurance was not intended
>for this kind of usage.

The restrictions clearly say:
1) there should be a daily driver car
and in my discussions with a rep, I did not hear
2) any restriction on driving for pleasure.  Personally, I get
pleasure out of driving my B for occasional errands. Ran into (figuratively)
someone at the supermarket with his 72 Triumph spewing coolant and we had a
great and pleasurable conversation...and I still bought milk and bread and
a few other things.

On the other hand, I wouldn't drive my B into Camden, NJ, home of Cambell
Soup, poverty, and rather poor government (said with a wry expression on
my face).


So I eagerly await my $95 policy (same as Dan, see below) instead of $630 
currently in force.

>My 67BGT is not a daily driver (I have three other cars that also split
>driving duties depending on the weather). Hagerty's website implied that
>they had "flexible usage" but just like the other classic car insurance
>companies, they are in reality quite restrictive on use.
>Hagerty's quote of $75 for $5000 in coverage sounded good but its too good
>to be true. I own cars to drive them. And if I can't drive my car to work
>every once in a while, who is going to see it? If I can't use the car, why
>own it?
>I'm disappointed. And still stuck with USAA. Although they charge me a
>couple of hundred dollars per year on each car for minimal coverage
>(supposedly their lowest rate for safe and older drivers), I have yet to
>find anyone cheaper.  : (
>67 BGT
>71 BGT
>74 Toyota Landcruiser
>92 Ford Explorer
>At 06:50 AM 6/9/2000 -0700, Dan DiBiase wrote:
> >I called them yesterday, and for my 76 MGB, with an
> >agreed value of $5000, it would be $95/year (which
> >would drop to $75 next year upon it's 25th birthday).
> >This is with full comprehensive and collision and a
> >zero deductible. Raising the liability to $500k and
> >PIP to $500k would raise the premium to $110. They
> >have a chart they use for agreed value that basically
> >say if a car is between a "2" and a "3" in terms of
> >condition, this is the value guideline. But you're not
> >committed to this value, you can come up with
> >different numbers if you choose. No mileage
> >limitation, but as the girl said, they 'prefer' that
> >you do not use it as a daily driver and do ask for
> >proof (via your current policy) that you have at least
> >one additional car for each registered driver.
> >
> >Since mine is not a daily driver (although I use it
> >probably 4 days per week in non-inclement weather...)
> >this works well for me.
> >
> >Thanks to all that responded to my original inquiry,
> >this is going to save me about $400/year. Next time we
> >all get together, the first round is on me!
> >
> >
> >
> >=====
> >Dan D
> >Dayton, NJ
> >76 MGB Tourer - Brooklands Green

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