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You want what? When? HOW MUCH ! happy new owner

To: <>, <>, <>,
Subject: You want what? When? HOW MUCH ! happy new owner
Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 18:04:26 -0400
Saturday morning was a run to see a Midget for sale
MG Midget    ... Triumph GT6 ??
what a morning.

In the middle of the afternoon on Saturday ....
A guy calls me I had contacted twice via e-mail,
and once on  the phone over two months ago....

...calls out of the blue Saturday and offers ME
one of those deals all of YOU seem to run across
all the know the dirt cheap theft of a good car!

The catch was I had to get it out of his driveway

The phone call came at 3pm on Sat 5/27/00
by 1pm Sun 5/28/00, I had driven the 250 miles
and had in my hand the title to a 1970 GT6 MkII

Gold with black interior.  New head, rebuilt short
block, (HE engine suffix)  recently rebuilt tranny,
quiet - noise free rear end.
New.. brakes all around. new rotoflex
couplings, carbs recently rebuilt. Roughly $5K invested
over the last three years.
I took it around the block for a quick run,  :-)  :-)
tight, quiet, good brakes, smooth tranny, quiet rear

Oh... his offer to me?

"Just take it..... $1000..... But you HAVE to get it out of my driveway this

:-)   :-0  :-D   :-)  :-)   :-D  :-)   :-)  :-)   :-)  :- D  :-)  :-|   :-)
:-)   :-)  :-)   :-(  :-)   :-)  :-D  :-)  :-D  :-)

I'll download the pics from the camera tonight and try to get some
preliminary info up on my site.

Joe, Stephan ,  Ted -    I'm in the market for a few body sections for a
1970 MKII GT6+
The running gear is superb. The body is .... to be determined.

...Spit6 project stuffed down my throat hear wouldn't you say guys and gals!

Paul Tegler  (new

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