Hi listers!
I've been away from the list for 2 years. Haven't had time to mess
with my '69 MGB since then and fortunately haven't had to do too much
to it in that time. But the fever has hit me hard this year and all I
want to do is get out and drive in this beautiful weather. I had
promised that I would post the before and after's of my project and just
never got around to it... so for the curious, here they are:
www.members.home.net/okhorse/MG the oldmg.jpg is the before and
MY_mgb.jpg is the after. I had to laugh when I saw that I still had the
sticker on the front tire. I hadn't even driven it around the block
when this picture was taken.
It is amazing how much I have missed this list!
69 MGB