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Re: It lives (part 2)

Subject: Re: It lives (part 2)
From: Bob Howard <>
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 08:53:01 -0400
  Waterford is just down the point from Groton/New London, on the west
side of the Thames river.  
   The park is an estate formerly owned by the Harkness family. I think
he was one of the honchos in Standard Oil before the breakup.  Mrs
Harkness gave it to the state of CT when she died. The state, naturally,
let it fall deeply into disrepair.  Friends of Harkness have raised many
$$ toward restoration of the property, and eventually managed to raise
the state of awareness of the state of CT, so that now it is being
restored and maintained.          Annually, a group from CT MG Club
spends a Saturday there working in the gardens. We plant what seems like
thousands of plants in the cutting gardens and in the formal gardens, as
a partial repayment for the use of the park for our show.

On Wed, 10 May 2000 13:10:55 -0400 Carl French <>
> 189 Miles and still purring. In fact it sounds more cohesive than it
> did during the first few rides like maybe things are meshing in 
> better
> (probably just my imagination). I have noticed three things during 
> the
> break in,
> 1. Something called torque now seems to exist on hills.
> 2. I guess I need to replace the seatback cushions because when I 
> pull
> away from a light (even at break in driving) they seem to compress 
> much
> more than before :-) :-) :-) :-)
> 3. No smoke.
> Thanks to all for the help and cheering on during the winter. 
> Looking
> forward to longer tours through the Northeast and the favor of a few
> more voters at shows this year(ya gotta see the clearcoated 
> engine!!!).
>  Frank, How far is Waterford from Boston? thinking of your show 
> there.
> Carl French
> Alfred, Maine

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