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Re: Slooooooooow turn signal

To: Enrique Claure <>
Subject: Re: Slooooooooow turn signal
From: Larry Dickstein <>
Date: Sun, 07 May 2000 11:59:39 -0500
Enrique Claure wrote:

> Hi list, I tracked my short circuits today with the General Technologies
> wand. 200Big uns but well worth the money.
> Two problems remain unsolved:
> 1. Major slooow turn signal. It goes
> tic..................toc.............tic..........Hazard works fine. Any 
> 2. Trunk light terminals give a good 12V but bulb does not light up? Bulb
> shows good continuity? This is crazy???? why does this happens?
> Tha.............n..............ks,  Enrique

This sounds like the typical grounding problem.  More specificially, a lack of a
good ground.   Bad grounds cause more electrical problems than any other, in my

Larry Dickstein
Lone Jack, MO

Pop. 420

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