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Re: Problem solved for the moment? and a Towing question (Was An Introdu

To: "Max Heim" <>, "MG List" <>
Subject: Re: Problem solved for the moment? and a Towing question (Was An Introduction)
From: Larry Macy <>
Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 10:25:10 -0400
Should we ask Mark to include a disclaimer in the email response to the 
subscription?? Something that goes like:

Topics never to broach in the group: 
1) TOWING - never ever ask which way to tow an MG - flat bedded or dolly? 
And if you make this fundamental mistake do not ask about the 

If you disregard this warning you will relieve enough email to fill an 18 
GB drive. In addition if you print all this email you will be solely 
responsible for the demise of over 100,000 acres of forest and be 
generating enough paper to cover every mile of twisty roads in the United 
States. There by rendering the roads undrivable and earning the wrath of 
the MG list and Lord Lucas and MOWOG him/herself. This wrath will be 
demonstrated by the malfunctioning of every electrical component on you 
LBC, The death of that electronic box you receive email on, because the 
drive fills so rapidly the stops spinning and explodes, and you will only 
be able to bye parts for that LBC at the overinflated prices available on 

Just a thought ;-)


At this exact moment in time 5/3/00 9:41 PM, made 
the profound statement:

>Oh no! The towing thread rears its ugly head again! Ernest, as a newbie 
>you are unaware of this, but the debate over flat towing is one of the 
>legendary longwinded and unresolved arguments. Here are some of the 
>- don't tow wire wheel cars backwards. The center caps unscrew and the 
>wheels fall off.
>- therefore, if you have wire wheels and use a dolly the rear wheels 
>should be on the ground...
>- it has been reported that towing long distances with the rear wheels on 
>the ground can (but not necessarily always) cause the transmission to 
>catch on fire. To prevent this one should remove the driveshaft (unless 
>you don't think you need to, and you turn out to be right).
>- if you DON'T have wire wheels you COULD put the rear wheels on the 
>dolly, and not worry about the driveshaft...
>- unless someone has an objection to that as well.
>- in all cases a cat is required as the proper chock for the wheels when 
>Frankly, in my opinion only, on the Washington to Texas haul I would just 
>save the wear and tear on the MG (and the debate on the list) and go for 
>the trailer. But...
>Ernest S. had this to say:
>>Would I be better off to eat the
>>additional cost getting all four wheels off the ground with a trailer or to
>>economize with the dolly?
>Max Heim
>'66 MGB GHN3L76149
>If you're near Mountain View, CA,
>it's the red one with the silver bootlid.

Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
System Administrator/Manager
Neuropsychiatry Section
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce St. - 1015 Gates
Philadelphia, PA 19104

 Ask a question and you're a fool for three minutes; do not ask a 
question and you're a fool for the rest of your life. 

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