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tips? 71 MGB-GT

Subject: tips? 71 MGB-GT
From: Sheila Stokes-Begley <>
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 19:46:41 -0500
My 71 MGB-GT (Millicent) has been up on blocks for about the last 3
years awaiting a new clutch, with was finally installed last Sat. by my
hubby and a friend. Prior to this the heater fan worked. At some point
after they had the motor back in and were hooking things up, she began a
screaming sort of noise, the friend couldn't figure it out, I was
working on small tear in dash, so I was right there, my guess is within
5 sec. I had the heater fan shut off. Now that she is more or less road
ready (except I also have to figure out why no reverse lamps) the heater
fan doesn't work, and it worked just fine before. The fan switch is the
kind with 4 tabs on the side you have to press in from behind to pull
the switch out, is there a good way to do this? I still want to try to
pull the hazard switch and clean it like I read about a week or so ago
as it doesn't work either and I don't want to pull it the way I pulled
the heater switch. Is there a good way to do this? A special tool?
I had been hoping it would be something simple to get to like maybe a
dirt dauber nest in the fan, ha, nothing so easy to get to.
Any and all tips, need all the help I can get.
Ah, well, she is worth it.
Millicent 1971 MGB-GT

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