If you can't find the air cleaners locally, NW Import Parts, a small mail
order MG parts concern in Portland, Oregon has them for $4 for 62-74 MGB and
$6.50 for 75-80 MGB in their Spring catalog. Telephone is (503) 245-4193 -
Web site is:
It's a local call for me and the man who answered was polite, knowledgeable
and helpful. Since you have to pay shipping, you might as well check out
other items and make it worth while.
Hope this helps. I have no financial interest in this site.
Dave 72 MGB
-----Original Message-----
From: Garner, Joseph P. <JPGarner@UCDavis.Edu>
To: MG list (E-mail) <>
Date: Tuesday, April 25, 2000 12:25 AM
Subject: latest tinkering report
>Hi everyone,
>first off, thanks to everyone who's answered my posts over the last few
>Well today i got back from work and decided to follow the carb-oil advice
>I've received. ooops that well in the piston fills up fast doesn't it. so i
>carefully extracted the excess, and really felt the resistance that is
>to be there (and wasn't). I also took the opportunity to check out the air
>filter... hmmmm... i think it probably wants changing when both sides are
>dirty as the other right? ;-) So i put it all back together and
>over to the parts store (which has an amusing hit and miss selection of MGB
>spares). No air filter, but the trip was fun anyway. Topping up the carb
>has made a noticeable difference. The engine doesn't run any smoother per
>but it feels much more responsive (there are a couple of left-turns en
>which it helps to make in a snappy fashion). wow. learn a new thing every
>can't wait to get a new filter in.
>Dr. Joseph Garner
>Department of Animal Science,
>University of California,
>One Shields Avenue,
>CA 95616
>tel: + 530 754 5291
>fax: + 530 752 0175