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eBay forces my hand

To: mg list <>
Subject: eBay forces my hand
From: Paul Hammarstedt <>
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 21:36:21 -0500
Every day, I have looked forward to searching eBay for MGB stuff.  It was good
fun.  But eBay has been reworked.  Now it looks like only about 10 items at a
time will fit on the screen where a lot more use to display.  I don't like it. 

Good.  I won't look at eBay anymore.  Nope.  I will get off this danged chair
and go out in the garage instead.  I will pick up my heat gun and cake frosting
tool (stolen from the kitchen) and valiantly wage war with undercoating that
must yield.

Or some other grand act of heroism.

Paul Hammarstedt,

PS - I don't even drink....  In case you were wondering.

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