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Virus Warning

Subject: Virus Warning
From: "Simon Matthews" <>
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 12:28:28 PDT
Why do people consider that this is a suitable forum to post emails about 
computer viruses? I could warn you about hundreds of other risks your 
families face every day, yet would be accused of posting off topic.

By the way, to avoid this and similar viruses, disable the binding of 
NetBEUI over TCP/IP. That will make NetBeui packets (used for Windows file 
and printer sharing) unroutable and hence make file shares invisible on the 

Check out the following web site to test your system:

Don't rely on anti-virus software -- rely on good judgement ("do I really 
want to open and run this file attachment?"). Remember the anti-virus 
software manufacturers can only react after the release of a new virus. Do 
you want to take the risk of getting the virus before they have analyzed the 
virus and posted an update?


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