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Re: MGB Manual choke

Subject: Re: MGB Manual choke
From: Bill Saidel <>
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 09:12:36 -0400
At 04:33 AM 04/14/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>     Has anyone on the list installed a manual choke on there late model B.
>And if so, how did it work out for you? Is it the one from moss? Was it worth
>it? The reason I am asking is that the auto one keeps sticking on me. I live
>in Yuma, AZ and the weather is always hot so I don't always need a choke to
>start the car. But before I order a manual one I just wanted some input.
>65 midget
>78 B

         I installed a manual choke on a '76B when I changed from a SZ carb 
to dual SU HIF's.
I bought a stock from Moss (via British Racing Green). I'm not a stickler 
for stock and my
hands were too fat to fit behind the dash, so I mounted it under a cross 
beam in front of, but
not blocking the hood release (yes, American). Had to drill a small hole 
through the fire wall, put a
grommet in the hole and threaded the cable through to the carbs.
         It works fine. Even does what it is advertised to do to carb action.

         But then, here in NJ, it is still below 40F at night (but not for 
long) and the car needs it.



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