I missed it also. My brother in law was supposed to tape it but to no avail.
Can someone give another headsup when its gonna be on? I can't get
Speedvision but know people that do. Is this on the Legends of Motorsport
Series? Is it a weekly show?
Safety Fast
Andy P. 77B
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Houser" <mgs4dave@warwick.net>
To: "Rich Arimoto" <arimoto@cemrc.org>
Cc: <mgs@autox.team.net>
Sent: March 31, 2000 4:38 PM
Subject: Re: Taped it
> Rich,
> First, a big thankyou for sending me Part 2 of the MGB Story on
> Speedvision. I really appreciate it. Your tape is on its way back.
> I must ask, however, if anyone out there taped the first part and can
> send me a tape to copy and return. This is a set we all should have as
> MG afficianados.
> Let me know,
> Thanks,
> Dave Houser