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Re: OOPS and a reminder

Subject: Re: OOPS and a reminder
From: Fisher & Elizabeth Jones <>
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 10:02:16 -0600
Hello John,

         The Healey Round-up is being held in Kerrville this year, April 
7th; 8th and 9th.  We are about 25 miles from there.  Although many people 
will no doubt be staying in the hotel, we offered to let those wanting to 
use their RVs and tents a place to 'park' here.  Then it began to take on a 
life of it's own - Robert Houston came down from El Paso to bag a deer for 
a BBQ, and we were off and running.  If enough people attend we will have a 
swap-meet of sorts, as well as a BBQ.  It is really intended as a place for 
people to sit back and take it easy - swap lies etc.  The more people who 
arrive the merrier, although I'd really like to have an idea of numbers, 
just in case I need to order porta-potties.  We'd be happy to see you, and 
anyone else who fancies a week-end of ease is welcome.  For those 
'significant others'  who aren't interested in LBCs there are lots of 
antique shops in the vicinity, as well as an important bat colony.  There 
are lots of  historic sites hereabouts, even the (in)famous Luchenbach is 
just a few miles away, and for those wanting city life, San Antonio is a 
short 75 miles to our south.

         Let me know if you plan to attend and I'll send directions.

Comfort, TX

At 10:01 AM 3/29/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Elizabeth
>Can you give me some more in formation on Spridgetstock, exactly where etc.
>Everyone is talking about it but I cam in mid stream and seem to be missing
>the detail stuff.
>Waterloo Drivetrain Systems

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