Well, since my last post the other day about rusty bits underneath, I
did some additional investigation and found two spots where the
floorboards are holed. The drivers side, on the front side of the car
just in front of where you rest your left heel, and the passengers side,
same spot. The holes are just big enough for my pinky finger... The rest
of the floorboard seems solid, and when I jacked the car up today (using
the jacking points and hydraulic jack) there was no 'crunching' sounds
and the doors seems to operate normally...
Any thoughts/advice? Is this the type of situation where I need to think
about a fix real soon? I do not drive the car in inclement weather.
Dan D
rusting away in Dayton, NJ
(doesn't quite fit the tune of 'Margaritaville'...)
76 MGB Tourer