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Re: Ignition

To: <>, "MG List" <>
Subject: Re: Ignition
From: Max Heim <>
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 20:41:03 -0800
In a nutshell, Ed -- 20/400 vision. Now you know. had this to say:

>Well, I was gonna stay outta this one Max, BUT............
>Never had to 'pull' a Dizzy (hate that "term"<G>) to install/clearance 
>A-H 6 cylinder cars, 
>TR-3 thru 6, 
>or Chev 265, 289, 302, 327 or 350s.
>SO, Enquiring minds NEED to know why an "expert" has a prob?? 
>Geeeesh, it ain't Rocket Science!!
>        Cheers............
>                 Ed
>PS:  Oh yeah, I am a Distributor for Petronix!! (so?)


Max Heim
Studio L'Image/San Francisco
415 643 9309 : 415 643 9307 fax
Studio L'Image/New York
212 242 3366 : 212 242 3399 fax

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