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RE: no-LBC content: gas prices, a rant, and an idea

Subject: RE: no-LBC content: gas prices, a rant, and an idea
From: Gordon Bird <>
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 10:35:43 -0500
Gotta get in.  Wife used to commute in a van, weekends hauled kids,
dogs,lumber, and trailers with an assortment of loads, including LBC's (no
trailer queens though).  Now kids grown, wife commutes in SUV, weekends
hauls dogs, lumber, trailers, and even takes us north in the winter for ski
What the real issue is though is safe driving.  Or the difference between
active and passive driving.  Active driving being aware of your
surroundings, driving right and using left to pass only and other common
sense rules of the road.  Passive driving is driving along as if you are the
only one on the road, whereever you want, whatever speed you want and
usually with a cell phone pasted to the ear.  As LBC drivers, we have to
drive actively as a matter of survival.  The real culprit here is the
approved driver training courses that seem to only tell kids where the
ignition key goes, brakes and gearshift are.  They figure out the gas pedal
on their own.  My 21 yr old daughter has had her share of accidents that
were mostly a result passive driving.  This year she will be joining me for
a Quattro club driving school at a local track where active driving is
taught.  Wife has enjoyed the schools and says it has improved her driving
skills.  She does real well in the SUV.
So, let us try and improve the overall driving skills, courtesy levels and
drive whatever we want.
Just MHO.

Gordie Bird
62 MGA
80 MGB
86 Audi 4kq 

> I like SUV's and other behemoths on the road.  They provide 
> shade at stop lights.  They are slalom obstacles on
> multilane roads.  They are targets for unsafe high speed 
> merging, failing to yield, running red lights, rolling stops,
> unsafe lane changes, weaving in and out of traffic, and the 
> rest of the stuff I do around them with roadsters.
> I am a bad citizen and should be locked up.
> Love,
> Paul Hammarstedt
> '71B
> '92 M!@ta
> Dan DiBiase wrote:
> > 
> > Bill, these items -
> > 
> > But the road would be safer if the cops would ticket the people who
> > can't: merge, fail to keep right, fail to yield, run red 
> light, rolling
> > stops, unsafe lane changes, weave in and out of traffic, etc.
> > 
> > - I believe are all legal in New Jersey. Must be so, 
> because otherwise
> > these people here are the worst drivers in the world... And 
> I learned to
> > drive in the metro Boston area!
> > 
> > Dan D
> > exiled to Dayton, NJ
> > 76 MGB Tourer

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