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New owner

To: "MG Group" <>
Subject: New owner
From: "Scott Bruner" <>
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 18:04:27 -0500

I am the proud owner of a new (to me) '73 MGB.  I am planing to replace the
fuel lines and brake lines.  Should I do the sill/crossmember replacement
first, as the brake/fuel lines run through the crossmember.  Or should I
attempt to do the brakes first then work around the lines?  Also, what is
the best way to support the car while repairing the sills?  Jack up the side
being worked on, or get the whole car off the ground?  These and many more
seemingly dumb questions to follow as I progress.  I should note this is
going to be a refurbish, not a restoration.

Scott Bruner
'73 MGB

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