Well, it's been a few months. I managed to get my schoolwork to a level it
hasn't been in for over two years, and decided to reward myself by
re-subscribing. Coincidentally (or is it...) I read today that the Rover
Group was sold by BMW. I'm sure that this piece of news has been circulating
since it happened yesterday...if it hasn't got to the group (ha, yeah, fat
chance) someone tell me (Barney, Rick, anyone...) and I'll rustle up all the
news I can find. In case some of you might be wondering, I don't have an MG
yet (yes, still), and don't really expect to get one too soon...first I'm
aiming for a Lotus Esprit V8 ;). I'm pretty sure my website is still up (the
MG one), so check it out at <http://www.start.at/mg>...Good Night!
Ben Carufel
Carfuel Photography
San Diego MG Club ( I think my membership expired on the twelfth..hrmm...)