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Re: Choke

To: "Dodd, Kelvin" <>
Subject: Re: Choke
From: frank krajewski <>
Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2000 19:27:37 -0500
Kelvin: On this carb the sheath is stationary and held fast with a set screw.
The inner cable attaches to the arm that activates the choke. It is backwards
on my carb as I have tried to reroute the choke cable and it is a bit too short
altho I can get it to reach. Problem is that the loop is at such a severe angle
that the cable binds. I can get the choke to open but it binds open and I have
to restore it to the closed position by hand.
Frank "Swamp Yankee" Krajewski

"Dodd, Kelvin" wrote:

> Frank:
>         You have to think backwards too.  The inner cable is secured to the
> stationary mounting point.  The sheath then moves the arm back and forth.
>         In answer to your next question.  The 42DCOE is kinda unusual and
> rare.  The typical carb specced for the B is a 45DCOE.  Actually the 42DCOE
> is going to give you a better match as the 45 tends to be too big, and the
> 40 too small.
>         As previously stated, I don't know what bits are interchangable.
> Kelvin.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: frank krajewski []
> Sent: Friday, March 10, 2000 12:58 PM
> To:
> Subject: Choke
> Kelvin: Sure enough the choke cable stop is on the left asd you face the
> carb and it needs to be on the right. Is it simply a matter of routing
> the cable around the carb? I don't see how a left handed cable stop can
> be attached as the choke arm appears fixed and is spring activated to
> engage the choke in only one direction.
> Frank

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