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RE: piston height

To: Carl French <>, mgs <>
Subject: RE: piston height
From: Joe Short <>
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2000 11:15:06 -0500
It may have to do with how the pistons where made and the materials they were 
made from. Forged pistons tend to expand much more as they heat up. For this 
reason they may appear smaller than cast or hypereutectic pistons. It also 
causes them to be very noisey until they are up to optimum temperature.

>===== Original Message From Carl French <> =====
>Why are some pistons taller than others of the same type and indication.
>I two sets for my MG and they are very different in height. Two
>different manufacturers (Aerolite & County), two diff. distributors
>(Moss & Northwest Imports).
>Carl French

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