The ignition switch can be replaced very easily. Just remove the streering
column cover, you will see the switch location from the wires. on the bottom
of the switch is a small set screw, remove this. The switch will slide out
easily at this point. Unplug the switch connection from the main harness.
Buy a new switch and reverse the above directions.
Dan Dwelley
77 Midget
Alexandria, Va.
On Tue, 7 Mar 2000 09:26:28 -0600 (CST), Dennis Berman wrote:
> Quick question...
> '77 MGB
> I recently lost half of my electricals. No fuel, tack, temp gauges.
> No blinkers and (most importantly) no raido.
> Its not the fuse box (too bad) and I have serious questions
> about the ignition. I suspect that this is where the failure is.
> My question to you MG Gurus is two fold:
> 1) is it difficult to replace the ignition (the key on the steering
> column)?
> 2) are there any special tools required?
> Greatly appreciate any comments and advice.
> Thank you all.
> Dennis Berman
Dan Dwelley
77 Midget
Alexandria, Va.
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