At 03:22 PM 3/3/2000 EST, Allen Hefner ( wrote:
>Actually, this was back in the '70s when there were a lot more British
cars on the road, dropping parts for others to find. I suppose that back
then, in my early 20's, I would have been considered a DPO, but I was broke
and having a ball with British Iron.
I can dig it. In the late 60's I was running an MGA year round as my
exclusive mode of transport, and doing it on a VERY limited budget while
making it through college. I did however try very hard not to bodge it up,
especially since I couldn't afford to replace it. Loosely translated, that
means I had to be my own DPO for a very long time, and I knew it, so I took
the best care of the car that I could under the circumstances. At least it
had the oil changed every 2000 miles, which is more often than I do it now,
but then I was buying re-refined oil at $.25/qt to keep pouring it in as
fast as it leaked out.
Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA with an attitude