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Re: Headlights and cap letter meaning

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Headlights and cap letter meaning
From: "Tony Woodruff" <>
Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 07:30:55 -0800
Here's a good link for explanations of the terms. 

Best regards,

Tony Woodruff

>>> "Michael Torrusio" <> 3/2/2000 7:49:49 AM >>>
Any suggestions on how to adjust the headlights on my 71 B?  They both work
fine but it seems that the left one is much higher than the right.
Also, for we new readers, anyone have a list of meanings for LBC and DPO
etc.?  I think DPO may mean dump previous owner, but some of the other cap
references are difficult to figure.


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