Rather than epoxying it, you could try the Loctite thread restorer.
Coat the inside of the socket on the wiper arm with the included release
agent, coat the splined nub with the thread restorer, fit the two
together, and let it sit overnight.
I'm thinking you'll end up with a new set of moulded splines that match
those in the wiper arm.
Chris Kotting
> Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 08:53:25 -0500 (EST)
> From: Geoffrey Gallaway <geoffeg@sloth.org>
> Subject: Re: Back Again!
> Both your problems were just recently discussed on the list. The responses
> to the first went along the lines of replacing both flasher bulbs with new
> ones (cleaning the contact with some steal wool might do the trick too).
> Apparently any resistance in the line will cause the flasher to think the
> bulb is dead and alert you with the always-on signal. The general solution
> to the second problem is to just secure the wiper to that nut thingy.. Try
> a small screw through the blade into the splined nut thing or try some
> type of epoxy (one is obviously easier to remove while visible)..
> Thankful this list exists.. :)
> Geoff
> This one time, at band camp, Spawn wrote:
> > Hello again!
> >
> > I finally had some time (and proper weather) to get my B back on the road
> > again. I fixed all problems but two...
> >
> > 1) Left turn signal comes on but doesn't flash. I've checked ground and
> > all appears well. The light lights (brightly) but does not flash. (The
> > right does...)
> >
> > 2) The wiper drivers appear to be stripped... They turn, but if you have a
> > wiper on it just turns inside it... is it possible to get a new cap with
> > fresh teeth, or do I need to buy the whole thing?
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Chris
> >