Hay, DD referred to Daffy Duck but you responded. ;^)
Nope, rebuilding a tired, leaky engine. Looking for an overdrive
tranny while I have it apart.
Safety sitting still, right now.
David Deutsch wrote:
> HA HA!! it's 15 minutes and that to disconnect the rear of the shaft and tie
> it off. Sooo? what are you pulling the engine for? Transmission problem
> maybe? :-)
> Safety Fast,
> David Deutsch
> >
> > Pulled the engine and tranny out of the B yesterday. Had a helluvva
> > time getting the nuts on the drive shaft attaching screws broken loose.
> > Two box end wrenches and about a gallon of penetrating oil, Popping
> > and/or squeaking noise when they did come loose. Whoever put those
> > fasteners in last REALLY believed in tightening them securely! Where
> > was "5-minute DD" when I needed him? ;^)
> >
> > Charley Robinson
> > '69 B