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Re: Brake light switches AND fluid problems

To: Chris Kotting <>
Subject: Re: Brake light switches AND fluid problems
From: "James H. Nazarian, Ph.D." <>
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 13:37:23 -0500
Just to set the record straight, I had conceded in a note to Max that DOT 5 has
a lower BP than DOT 3 or 4. James was merely giving me more evidence to support
my (correct) position that DOT 5 is in every way superior to DOT's 3 and 4. ;-})

Now that we have that cleared up, can we please get back to arguing about brake
fluid? Whose turn is it?

Jim (the OLD guy!)

Chris Kotting wrote:

> Whew!  Okay, I'm relieved.  I was beginning to wonder there...
> However, I ain't gonna step into the middle of a father-son argument
> about brake fluid.  I argyed that issue enough with MY dad! <grin>
> Chris Kotting
> > Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 18:15:38 -0700 (MST)
> > From: James Nazarian Jr <James.Nazarian@Colorado.EDU>
> > Subject: Re: Brake light switches AND fluid problems
> >
> > Yes there are two of us.  One OLD one and one young one.  Myself being the
> > young one who lives in Boulder, CO.  The old one being my dad who lives
> > near Cleveland, OH.  Although I do contradict myself sometimes this time
> > it is a contradiction between two actual people. :)
> >
> > James Nazarian
> > '71 B roadster
> > '71 BGT rust free and burnt orange
> > '74 BGT going by-by soon
> > '63 Buick 215

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