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Re: early B's and air vents...? Careful w/ torch!

Subject: Re: early B's and air vents...? Careful w/ torch!
From: Eric <>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 02:15:31 +0610 wrote:
> In a message dated 2/20/00 10:43:37 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> << f you pull it out to the 'normal' maximum and peer under the dash 
>    from the LHS with a torch you can see the arc and check whether it 
>    has the extra segment with cut-out.  Watch out for any non-standard 
>    wiring that may be in that area, and that goes for the usual two 
>    open positions as well. >>
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> For any listers and lurkers out there who are young, naive, and new to 
> the ways of the British, a torch is called a flashlight in the USA. 

Not being one who can let a chance to "bash a Septic" go by...

What you meant to say was "young, naive, and new to the ways of the
NON-NORTH AMERICAN".  Remember, for most of these terms it is the US
versus the rest of the world.  Yes, we call it a TORCH in Australia,

Now the part I was worried about was "you can see the arc" because there
have been a number of times when I have fiddled around under the
dashboard and I have "seen the arc"... it is usually when a "hot" wire
comes off a switch and makes contact with a metal part of the dash or

Pretty blue colours and not so pretty smoke!  Where's my fire


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