With a bright new torch I was giving my new BGT a thorough examination
yesterday evening and found that there is a small hole in the exterior where
the roof gutter meets the horizontal seam of the rear fin. It's an
identical problem on both sides of the car. Is this a common problem?
The previous owner had stuffed large pieces of foam in the cavity behind the
C pillar panelling to stop water dripping directly onto the inner wing wheel
arch, but it wasn't doing a great job and had soaked the sponges. Water was
running along the seam at the inside top of the fin (though not yet got too
What should I use to block up these holes, and has anyone else found a
similar problem? I don't suppose the sponges are a very permanent solution,
but they do help sound insulation from the rear wheels. Does anyone else
have sponge in here?
Thanks all for your help
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