At 11:24 AM 1/16/00 -0600, Thomas James Pokrefke, III wrote:
>Hey Ed...I forgot, are you in Chicago? I'd love to stop by and introduce
myself if you are...
Yeah, Thomas, he's here alright, several miles farther south down Rt-83
from our club meeting spot and a mile or two east just off of Ogden Avenue
(IL-34) in Hinsdale. He's a dyed in the wool Old Fart though, so don't
trust his driving directions, as he can't count traffic signals or
driveways wuth a daam, and a lot of the streets there don't go through. Be
sure to get the street address, and take a spotlight for a night arival.
Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA with an attitude
If you want to go to Just Brits early before the club meeting lemmeno, and
I'll bring the noise makers and the extra 6-pack.