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Re: Hardtops, part II

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Hardtops, part II
From: "Tony Woodruff" <>
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1999 10:26:49 -0800
I'm noticing that Proper MG has a "reproduction" of the Factory Hard Top 
available for $669-US (on sale).  You can see it at 

(No financial interest, and all the other usual disclaimers apply here.)

- Tony W -
67 MGB

>>> Dan Pockrus <> 12/30/99 10:05:53 AM >>>

        E-mails from those on this list have identified three different tops
so far: SnugTop, Parrish, and the elusive "factory" top. I've seen a
Snugtop, not likely to see a factory top, and would like to see a Parrish
top. Can anyone point me to a picture of a Parrish top?

Dan Pockrus
'74B almost down to bare metal

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