Congratulations: now you have a big bargaining most folks won't buy
a non-running car. You *could* be the exception. If it's sat a couple of
months, it's possible that the gas on board or the fuel pump has objected to
the sitting and climate change, or perhaps the coil/cap,,, etc. Especially if
it spins free. You can do a compression check without it starting, and
spinning the motor with all the plugs out should bring up very healthy oil
pressure within 10-20 seconds. If you like bargains and gambles and things
are so far, so good at this point... offer the guy a grand. Unless they can
get it started soon, it's gonna spend the winter costing him money not
getting sold... a non-running sports car isn't real appealing to most
customers in the dead of winter....
(but of course, your mileage *may* vary)
>>> When I called about the car, I was told that it ran and was drivable.
Well, when I
went there today, it would not start (battery OK, but would do nothing when
key was turned). This really pissed me off, since I was told it ran, and
probably would have made an offer on the car if the car ran decent.