On Sat, Oct 30, 1999 at 06:19:19AM -0700, Marisa Emanuel wrote:
> The ubiquitous zip-tie works wonderfully to keep loose
> wrenches together & organized!!
Another handy use of zipties is to mark your tools. Tool osmosis
is a very common occurance around the paddock at race tracks. You
get several people pitting together, each with their own tool box
with a couple of pit crew members per car, each using tools from
whatever toolbox is handy and you end up with a lot of tools going
home with other than the people they came with.
I initially tried marking my tools with colored duct (racers) tape,
but it gets very gooey when exposed to hydrocarbons. Spray paint
works better, but I've got a hangup about spraypainting my nice
snap-on jewelry, err tools. Colored zip ties are cheap and available
at electronics stores. The only trick is to get each person on the
team to "claim" a different color.
I finally put together the perfect emergency tool kit for my car.
Unfortunately, it was so heavy that both rear tires burst.
lrc@red4est.com http://www.red4est.com/lrc