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Closer.. <G>

To: <>
Subject: Closer.. <G>
From: "Neil Cotty" <>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 12:59:30 +1000
Hi all,

Well my MGA is still not running after another weekend of work! This weekend
I managed to finish off the rear wheel bearings and install and adjust the
new shoes. The LHS hub virtually fell off, wished the RHS had done the same!
Phew!! I also managed to install the reconditioned temp gauge and the
recored radiator. No major drama there. Reinstalling the gauge was much
easier than removing it in the first place, which was kind of surprising. :)
Probably a practice thing. Sunday I set about refilling the brake system
with new fluid. When I tried to bleed the LHS Rear wheel, I couldn't get any
fluid.. This seemed bizarre but I put it down to no fluid in that area of
the system, so I moved onto the other wheels which all bleed fine. When I
went back to the LHS Rear, still no fluid! I was getting pretty frustrated,
and thought to myself "it's as if the fluid isn't even getting to the
cylinder.." Durr.. Click... One look halfway along the axle at the 2" flat
spot in the brake line, kinda solved this problem! Arggh!! Flat as a
pancake, no wonder I didn't see any fluid. How dangerous is that? Whoosh.
I've been running on three brakes for the best part of 6 months, but the car
has never exhibited any tendency to pull.. Hmmm.. When I went to my parts
place to get some new line, the guy said "Ahh happens all the time, were you
towed recently? On a flat bed truck?". Well it just so happens when I blew a
head gasket bout a year back, I was towed on one of these. Seems the guy put
the hook over the back axle, subsequently stuffed the brake line. Geesus.
Keep this in mind people. Fixing this is going to be interesting, any tips
on bending the line? Bruce (parts guy) says just bend it by hand and take it
to a brake place to be double flared.. Any additional advice? Is it really
that simple? I figure I'll just remove the old line and try and match it.

I also found my handbrake cable was broken in the middle, the outer tube not
the cable itself. When I pulled it up the outer cable was pulling from it's
mount under the car. So a new cable to install, also found another problem,
the cable was not releasing the RHS rear. I think the link piece or whatever
it's called on the axle is really mucked up with grime, so that needs to
come out for cleaning and reoiling etc. Hopefully, after these little jobs I
will finally have a nice reliable car for the summer. (oh god please! <G>)
Not long now. I still haven't been brave enough to fit the thermo fan, and
the overflow tank. Maybe give that job to a pro, the wiring of the fan looks
a little daunting. <G> Better yet, wait till I get her back on the road, to
get a little more inspiration back. :)


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